Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Scherzo Individuals

The culmination of this project came in four days of intensive work starting with the decision to take a saw to my "Diptych" and create five individual paintings each one representing the five named fairies in Shakespeares play "A Midsummer Night's Dream. They are:

"Moth", acrylics and paper collage on hardboard, 61x30.5cm.

"Cobweb", acrylics and paper collage on hardboard, 61x30.5cm.

"Mustardseed", acrylics and paper collage on hardboard, 61x30.5cm.

"Titania", acrylics and paper collage on hardboard, 61x30.5cm.

"Peaseblossom", acrylics and paper collage on hardboard, 61x30.5cm.

Each individual is represented by a different colour, for example; 'Moth' is a light brown torn from wrapping paper, and she appears as a scrap in all the other panels, as do each of the others. Also, each panel has a reference to Mendelssohn's music with a small fragment torn from the bar notation.
They are intended to each stand alone but, of course, they were conceived as a polyptych, and can also stand together.

So, that's me for this project. I will go and have a lie down now before starting the next one!

Oh, I'll post the Polyptych so that you can see them together.


Melinda said...

David...I wanted to cry with happy joy when I saw this series. I love each one of them. You've got IT. I hope you know that now. After you are rested and your shoulder has healed from all the 'attaboys' you should be receiving, I hope you'll do lots more.

Remarkable work. Quite a breakthrough!

p. s. My boy (his dad played Philistrate), when he was ten, played one of the sprites in Midsummer. Ten years later, people are still recalling what a wonderful play the city put on. Brings back lots of good memories. I can almost hear Shakepeare's words...

daviddrawsandpaints said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you, Melinda - you are three times the lady!
Yours is the very best response I have had and it has come at absolutely the right time for me when I have been feeling desperately down. Is that the way of it - when you expend yourself on a project you feel not just physically exhausted but totally, emotionally, drained and looking for reassurance? [That leads me on to my next project, Feelings and Emotions, which I absolutely cannot get my head around...nor my heart].
Did I say Thank You?
With regards to "attaboys" I posted this up on Flickr yesterday and the response has been deafeningly silent. It has almost gone bye un-noticed. And I thought this was the very best piece of work I have ever done. I'm overjoyed you appreciate it.
A Midsummer Night's dream is just about the best play and film (1935 version) ever. I love it, and Mendelssohn's music is a perfect joy (apart from the Wedding March which gives me the heebie-jeebies!{only joking!}). I only wish I could have put even more into it. Perhaps another time when I am older (ha!) [and more mature (crazy schoolboy laughter!!!)].
I'm guessing with a father playing Philostrate (Master of the Revels) his son would be playing Robin Goodfellow? Or at least a Peaseblossom?
Thanks for your very welcome comments.

Melinda said...

You are more than welcome. We artists have lots of dark days, questioning our work, our talent, questioning everything. I can completely understand what you are thinking and feeling. That IS the way of it.

I did not exaggerate in the slightest. Remember this.

You have created a foundation and made a leap that is at once as discrete as the flicker of a hummingbird's wing and as grand as a storm looming off the coast of Scotland.

Remember, too, that it's all about the work. Really. Yes, you need proper feedback and I hope you'll get more as time goes by, but reassurance is fickle and so is Flicker...The internet, gallery owners, museums, all are secondary to how YOU accept your work as valid. The first time I saw my art up on the gallery wall, I thought, "What a disappointment. No applause! No adoring audience! Where's my light?!" Can you tell I was in theatre first?

Your work is becoming quite serious and focused. This is going to cull the herd of admirers. Finding the right place for your work (and audience) will be your continuing challenge.

I think you might be a bit isolated as many of us artists are. So, in an odd way, you're not alone.

Loved your "laughter" and that you recall that Philostrate was what we liked to call, "Official Party Planner."

Keep going forward. At some point, the universe will bring acknowledgment of your work. That's also the way it goes, yes?

daviddrawsandpaints said...

You are dead right, Melinda, and please forgive me for my moments doubting. In a low moment I went against my own stated determination to remain positive at all times, and there I was carping like a wean who'd lost his jeely piece!!!
Thank you for your support. I was thinking of deleting my response to you but have decided to let it stand as a reminder to myself not to allow those extraneous thoughts to get me down.
I love the imagery you conjure up:"...discrete as the flicker of a hummingbird's wing and as grand as a storm looming off the coast of Scotland". It brought a smile to my greetin' face :o{/} You must have the second sight to appreciate Scottish West Coast weather?
And you are right about the feeling of isolation. I often wish my internet friends were just "down the road" and able to provide mutual shoulders to cry on!
Let me tell you, hen, I have picked myself up, dusted myself down, and I'm ready to start all over again. (did I just write that or did someone beat me to it?)
I was right - your son definitely looks like a Robin Goodfellow!
See you around, pal :o)
ps: I hope the Universe gets it's finger out soon!

Melinda said...

Virtual hugs.

Now, back to art...universe er no.

Ah got me greetin' face on too :{/}

daviddrawsandpaints said...

Why is that, hen?

Melinda said...

I'm very happy that you have picked yourself up, dusted yourself down and are back to work.

I hope the "Universe gets its finger out soon", too!! Seems to be pokin' round all over some days. I am struck weekly with feelings of discouragement and a 'why bother' thought. It is too bad that the art community is so distant. On the other hand, maybe we all need lots of space.

The grin is for your resilience and for the Robin Goodfellow reference. Sort-of-a friendly back atcha thing...

My you've had me laughing with your clever words lately.

daviddrawsandpaints said...

Be careful, Melinda, I often have a tendency to go way toooo far when I get ahead of myself!

You are doing great work just now and much appreciated by your adoring fans (is that going too far? No, not yet :o) and your encouragement to others is why we hover around you like dull moths basking in your effervescent glow (is that too far?).
Jist keep doin' whit ye are doin' - it's bloody good indeed!
(told you I'd eventually push further than absolutely necessary ;o))) [but still tame by my standards]
Good talkin' tae ye, hen - keep up the good work :o)

vivien said...

hey don't be low - I totally agree that these are really really moving on and you are really going places with your work.

It's all sort of gelled and come together - the skill you have with free flowing form and the ideas behind work

keep going!

daviddrawsandpaints said...

Thanks again, Vivien :o)
There's nothing else for it - I've made my commitment and I have a programme that I will not let slide.
These five Scherzo pieces were loads of fun to do and I even surprised myself with them!
Thanks for your encouragement, it means a lot to me.